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We all hope we are all staying healthy and away from CV-19.
What follows is our regular letter and our Presidents letter and upcoming plans.

MAY is: 
All about Reason month. Cares over prayers.

Online on our FACEBOOK HWF-PG Private Friends page LIVE at our regular time. and ask to join.

SATURDAY MAY 9th at 10:30 am. The reason it’s on Facebook is that we have 220 friends in our private group. And, while we have 172 email subscribers, the open rate of this newsletter is only about 30% and that’s only 50 some, so we have a much better chance to have a bigger audience and attract those 200+ that are not yet members of the chapter. It will be shown on our Facebook HWF Friends PG – private group page so you need to be following it to watch. If you are new to the page- you must yourself ask to join it and answer the questions.

PRESENTATION:  Member Bob Gerold will speak on —Inequality and Poverty in America
We all know inequality and poverty exists, but the Pandemic has made the inequality even more extreme. Bob will discuss both the individual and systemic factors that have added to this problem. Bob has been involved in the financial literacy movement for many years and has taught hundreds of people how to do better with what they have, and how to make more of what they need.

The Mission of HWF
The Mission of the Humanists of West Florida is to facilitate the advancement of humanist thought and action in Pensacola and surrounding areas by interconnecting groups of humanists, atheists, agnostics and non-religious.
We will strive for equal participation in government and societal life through building strategic partnerships with other humanist and freethought organizations and with our religious neighbors to advance the greater good of humanity.

Nothing major coming, but we are hoping for a big party probably in the fall.

PRESIDENTS LETTER: From The Desk of the President:

Greetings! Humanists of West Florida,

Thank you to everyone who attempted to attend April’s live stream presentation. HWF apologizes that due to technical issues the presentation failed to stream. Neither Ever’mans or Open Books will be open before mid May, thus live assembly and book packing are canceled for May. We will host Bob Gerold as our online speaker on May 9, 1030 AM. The topic is: The Financial Impact of COVID. Bob will share ideas that can help families cope during this stressful time. You can participate in this event via Facebook by going to the HWF Private Group page listed above. We plan to return to Ever’mans for the Saturday, June 13th assembly, 1030AM. June’s assembly is our meeting dedicated to committee and team planning for the new fiscal year. Any planned presentation on that day will be brief so that members can socialize and get reacquainted. HWFs new T-shirt, which members helped to design during the Chili Cook Off in February, will be on display. More details about this will be available in next month’s message and I hope to tell you when and where we will hold our nest potluck picnic, too. On behalf of the BOD, I want each of you to know we appreciate your patience during the pandemic. Whether working or at home, it certainly has not been business as usual for any of us.     
Sincerely, Betty Myers

Next regular meeting is July 8th, 9 am.
DONATE TO THE WORLD: Want to help people suffering from national or global catastrophes? Do it here as a Humanist to the Foundation Beyond Belief-FBB. This is the AHAs’ disaster relief partner organization.

The HUMANIST MAGAZINE:  This issue has some exceptional articles during this pandemic. 

AHA Monthly THEME:  Reason to be good.
New WEBINARS from the AHA with LIVE speakers.
May 14 Thurs. 5-6:30
May 20 Wed. 5-6:30

From the AHA’s Upcoming Activities!
It’s the National Day of Reason!

HUMANIST CORNER         May 2020
by member Bill White“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.” Albert Einstein“The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old, but in building the new.” Socrates
As these words are being written the Corona casualty numbers are swelling geometrically day by day. Judging from past trends, many of us find soothing comfort in ancient, Chinese thought. Humanism seems in many ways an extension of Taoism, centuries before the Western Messiah arrived. We watched the massive Chinese reaction to the virus that seemed to dim the division between regimentation and discipline! We might even be pondering that distinction in our own secluded state. Doesn’t teamwork melt away without discipline? It’s also fascinating  the Chinese ideogram for “crisis” is composed of two characters, one representing danger and the other, opportunity.           
When in history have we ever arrived at such a teachable moment? If ever! In 1817 French writer Andre Gide wrote a little book titled “Les nouretures terrestres” (“Fruits of the earth”) in which he and Nathaniel, a mystical companion, stroll through a breathtakingly beautiful garden. In thoughts that seem to sing off the page, together they ponder the meaning of life. No conclusions of course, but the language is melodious and drips with meaning. If there was a conclusion it was their unshakable commitment to living.           
Along those same lines, but much less exquisitely expressed, I send out occasional “bulletins” to our grandkids, hoping to usefully guide their footsteps on life’s journey. Here are three of those recommendations. Perhaps one size may fit all these days:
1. Always strive to be creative.
2. It’s vital to land on your feet.3.
3. Dig deeply to uncover what makes you tick, but never fear change.  
There probably aren’t two better models for our times than two young women named Greta and Malala. They get it! They’ve seized the moment. That precious moment called TIME. A value we’re all surely discovering now! My last message delivered from the U.U. pulpit dealt with this – our only commodity of true value. How it might convert into a new basis for economics. But that’s another story-For now there are five central lessons we can take from the pandemic 1. Listen to the scientists.
2. Governments must act out rapidly in crisis.
3. Emergencies require massive investments in infrastructure
4. Invest in displaced and vulnerable communities.
5. We have to take collective action.Over the years our library discussion groups have danced around many issues of danger, both imminent and long range, to our species. Topics ranging from community to continents, but falling far, far short (understandably so) of the range and depth of change confronting us today. Homo sapien, the thinking animal, able to visualize what’s beyond the hill, caught flat-footed.  Of course! Even the biblical “This too shall pass” and “We’re all in this together” phrases have almost become clichés. Another favorite of mine. As our collective brain huddles down in shelter, I truly believe when we reach the other side of this, humankind may finally realize our potential as stewards of this beautiful, blue island drifting in space and all its creatures.Except for that damned COVID 19 bug! Be safe, not too fearful and thoughtful…SHALOM

IMPORTANT DATES: in the secular world.
May 1: International Workers’ Day
May 7: 1st Thursday of May: National Day of Reason (and National Day of Prayer)
May 25: International Jedi Day 

***The American Humanist Association is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable educational organization, as well is the Humanists of West Florida. Donations to the Humanists of West Florida , a chapter of the American Humanist Association, are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. No goods or services were exchanged for this donation. This letter is your receipt for your charitable tax deduction.


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Our mailing address is:
Humanists of West Florida, P.O.Box 11930, Pensacola, FL 32524